Monday, August 18, 2008


Another frugal craft from Fashionably Late to the Party.

This time for Mother's Day.

Meet Fang.
Fang enjoys pina coladas, walks in the rain and biting students who misbehave in class. (Mom teaches junior high--'nuff said.)

I made Fang pretty much the same way that I made Horace. I used a large yogurt container to trace the shape for the template. And then discovered that he was too small for my smallest embroidery hoop. But I cannot be thwarted that easily. I pinned on extra fabric to make him temporarily bigger.
I took that picture after I was done with the embriodery because I didn't bother reaching for the camera beforehand--bad blogger!
And he fit!

And that is the story of Fang. Mom brought him to school and the principal and the other teachers insisted that she keep him on her desk in the classroom, along with the note about how he bites poorly behaved students. Just as you always suspected--the teachers do like to mess with the students' heads sometimes.

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